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The Fresh Guide To Working Out


It’s that time of year again! Christmas is next week, which means that New Years is the week after. All this adds together to mean: New Year’s resolutions are right around the corner. You may be surprised to know (or maybe, NOT surprised) but “I’m gonna start working out” is the #1 New Years resolution every single year; the most subscribed to, and the most dropped by March. But if you are one of those people that decide to take a more active approach to your lifestyle, then KUDOS! With that being said, since you may be new to the “gym lifestyle”, there is a certain ettiquite that one should follow when working out. Since the staff at Fresh Demeanor knows the importance of remaining fit, but at the same time ALWAYS being a gentleman, we compiled a small list for you. Here are the basics… take heed:


Trust me on this one, nobody wants to be gawked at like a piece of meat, no matter how great she looks in yoga pants. Trust me on this one. You stand the chance of looking like a complete weirdo and maybe getting yourself escorted out of the gym and/or beat down. Don’t be that guy.


The time that 8 people are waiting for 5 treadmills is not the time for you to take a 60 minute jog. It’s rude. You’re not the only person there using the equipment, so play like a big kid and share.


Is there ever a reason to smell like you ran a marathon? Sure there is! After you run a marathon. But certainly never before you work out. So, don’t be gross- shower and wear deodorant.


Ever notice how everyone in the gym has on headphones? Well, that’s because they’re trying to focus on their workout. Nobody wants to hear you growling like a cheetah and dripping sweat on every machine you pass. Keep your soundtrack to yourself.


Hate to break this to you, but you’re gonna have to go more than once every two weeks if you want to see results. You didnt gain 78 lbs in one week, and you won’t lose it in a week either. At least three 45 minute sessions per week is a good starting point to get a nice routine going.

This list could continue forever and ever, but I’m pressed for time. So take these pointers and apply them. Certainly you will be in a much better position to say that you gave it a real honest effort when you eventually quit in March.

Sincerely Fresh,

Mr. H

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