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To Unfollow or Follow? That Is the Question

Foreal, how many of the same duck face pics you supposed to double-tap?  How many selfies does it take with little to no likes before you realize they not really checking for you like that?  How many relationship posts are you going to put up before you understand your followers KNOW you, and knowing you means knowing your life is nothing like your posts or advice? (okay one more) What about the person always talkin’ bout their haters or people judging them.  I know right?  We could go on.  A better question though to ask yourself is why you, the follower, still notice these things in the first place.  If this stuff truly bothers you at your core, why not hit that unfriend or unfollow and stop subjecting  yourself to insta-torture ?

One guess is that you don’t want to bust their social bubble.  Or maybe you fear the unfollow will be returned in kind and your number of followers will suffer due to the retaliation.  And we can’t have that can we?  Perhaps you’re a lot nosier than you think you are.  That person you ain’t even cool with in real life or that old school main you haven’t talked to in years will go on living their life and you’ll have no way of finding dirt to screenshot and share with your friends in GroupMe or whatever arena of your choosing.

If you think about what’s actually going on, you’re doing it to yourself.  I have discussions with people all the time about what’s going on with their “friends” online, and I don’t understand the self imposed aggravation.  I don’t exclude myself.   I personally had to remove myself from certain social situations, but that was my call.

This is just one small aspect of this stuff though.  I think at the end of the day it’s a cool way to keep in touch and all that, I really do.  On the same token if these things get to gettin’ your blood pressure all up, don’t let it.  Please, for your sanity, ask yourself the question above and live with it.  Just don’t complain about it later.



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