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Can't wear skinny jeans cuz my knots wont fit

Getting My Money’s Worth

Can’t wear skinny jeans cuz my knots wont fit

I’m not necessarily s person who visits his doctor’s office that often. I mean, yearly physical and any “bug” that I just can’t seem to shake, I’ll stop in. But just to go in for every little thing? No way. Now, the reason isn’t probably the reason that you may be thinking as to why. It’s not that I don’t want to know if something is wrong or that I’m scared of needles. No, its far different that all of that. The main reason is that I never felt that it was WORTH it. When I say the word “worth” what I mean is fiscally. Like, literally, you go to the doctor’s office, sit there for a half hour before they even see you, then they come in and talk to you for all of 5 minutes, and then charge you$300 to draw your blood. It just seemed like such a rip off to me. I couldn’t even fathom how much the guy was making per hour, per minute… just didn’t sit right with me.

Anyway, I was having a few medical issues that I needed to be seen for and I made an appointment. As they took my vitals, it came to our attention that my blood pressure was abnormally high, and that wound up being more of an issue than what I was initially there for. He asked a lot of questions: family history, diet, exercise, feeling funny? etc… but I was really impressed about all of this. Not for the reason that he asked the questions. No, not at all. I was impressed that I was actually INSIDE the exam room with the actual physician for far over an hour TALKING. Talking about work. Talking about stress. Talking about marriage. Just talking. I enjoyed it so much. My doctor actually does know my name, and is keenly interested in how my lifestyle choices are affecting my health. It was very surprising, to be frank. With the amount that healthcare costs, the actual “they take THAT MUCH out my check and I still got a co pay?!?!” it was refreshing to feel like I got my money’s worth at a doctor’s appointment. I didn’t feel like he was rushing me out so he could get to his 10:15; no, he took his time and addressed every issue that the patient that was in front of him at the time (me) wanted to discuss. In today’s world filled with poor customer service, this was a breath of fresh air.

What’s the point? Well, if you’re not getting service like this from your physician, you need to start demanding it.  Or switch doctors. We previously talked about this here. Whichever is easier for you. But know that your doctor is there for more than writing prescriptions for antibiotics and he owes you more than 6 minutes of his time should your malady require it. Only you know how many hours it you to be able to afford an office visit. Shouldn’t you get your money’s worth for it?

Sincerely Fresh,

Mr. H

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