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Fresh Words Spotlight

I came across this work of literary expression (not really sure what else to call it) recently and decided to share. Its not credited to any author,  so if you have read it before please site the source. Hopefully you enjoy.

“We tried as hard as we could. For as long as we could. I’m not too tired to continue; but I don’t want to continue. I’m not blaming you for our situation either, for I am just as guilty as you. Maybe just as unhappy. Regardless of reason, it’s too late now. Too far gone. We went through a lot together, maybe too much. But I don’t want to anymore. I prefer you to regain your happiness, and that can’t happen by either of us staying. Let’s agree to move on. We have no reason for negative feelings toward each other, we used to be great friends. We both know the time has come, what’s the use of prolonging it? I hope your future is as promising as your past alluded to. If you ever think of me again, please remember the good parts. I will miss you. I have to miss you. I need to miss you. I do miss you.”- Anonymous

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