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Fresh Demeanor Proverb: Wash Your Face


Nivea Moisturizing Facial Wash for Men

Well, it’s officially summer time. BBQ, sundresses, old men with cornrows wearing all white at the BBQ looking at the ladies 30 years younger than him in the sundresses. It’s also the time wear your kin seems to be under attack. The humidity is unforgiving in the Midwest it seems. As the temperature rises the air seems so thick. Your  body’s core temperature begins to rise, and then your natural cooling system kicks in; you begin to sweat. Underarms, chest, groin and anywhere else that you have skin. Not to be forgotten is your face. Above your brow and down your temples, are the main areas that a man will drip sweat when the heat begins to stifle.


Nivea Revitalizing Face Scrub for Men

Think back to 8th grade, to health class. Remember the “T” zone, where acne was more likely to manifest its ugly head? Yep, it’s right in those same areas that we men still get pimples. The sweat, mixed with the oil on your skin and the fact that it has no place to evaporate due to the humidity causes us to break out. Skin (especially the face) isn’t something that only women take care of. Your face is your initial impression, your calling card. So make sure you’re presenting an appealing picture, wash your face! AT LEAST twice per day, and use a brand of cleanser formulated for your skin. After that, make sure you use some sort of moisturizer or your skin will look and feel like old, cracked leather. Nivea for men works well, if you need a launch point for your search, but the most important thing is that you do SOMETHING. There’s no way you can have a fresh demeanor if your skin looks like a pizza, so do yourself a favor and wash your face.

Mr. H
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