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No Video Games

Video Games and Women: The Balance

No Video Games

There is a new XBox and Playstation on the way.  But honestly I wouldn’t know much about it.  Don’t get me wrong I actually enjoy video games.  I grew up during the “Nintendo Revolution” when owning a console system was necessary for any young boy.  I spent hours on my Nintendo and subsequently my Sega Genesis, Playstation I, and the original XBox.  There was the exchanging of cheat codes at school.  The countless hours playing inside while I wasted beautiful days outside.  There was the sneaking a game of Super Mario Brothers 3 or Sonic in the middle of the night.  Who didn’t turn the brightness of their television to eclipse like levels and the volume all the way down to get a little action in?  In middle school it was all about NBA Jam, College Football 95, and Street Fighter II and then in high school Madden took off.  There were Halo parties in college and I certainly had a Need for Speed.  But for real though back in the day video games were a part of my life.  But ever year from the age of 18 their role began to dwindle until it has come to the point I have touched a game in years.

What happened? Well, namely women and money happened to me.

As much as I like video games, I love women 10x more.  Yes I dated a GIRL who liked video games.  What I learned after that situation honestly was she was just as much as a bum as I was at that time.  But it was cool I was 18.  But then I got perspective which was due to a messy breakup, being flat broke, and having no direction in life.  I needed to get out, meet new people, volunteer, learn, work on me, and become educated.  The more I focused on these matters the less time I had for video games.  Then there were the WOMEN.  One thing about women for sure you have to have time and money.  She might be humble but but believe me you need money.

Money is crucial.  My life in my early 20’s depended on money for gas, school books, and food.  I didn’t have the extra money for $60 video games.  See bruh, I could take $60 and kick it out of town like a king in Chicago back in the day.  Video games just were not a necessary expenditure.  My life was about getting smarter, hanging with friends, and meeting women.  God above everything for sure.  But I wanted to meet women so eventually I would meet the One.

I also learned that Women have little fanfare for video games.  I have had the opportunity to talk to a lot of women.  One of things they all mostly had a disdain for were video games.  “My man isn’t going to be playing video games all day”.  From what I gathered too many past boyfriends were addicted to video games and left their woman deprived.  But it worked out for me I had broken the habit a long time ago.  When I began talking to my wife she asked me if I played video games.  She asked me that!  She felt as the intelligent, spiritual, creative, beautiful being she is that a man should keep things like video games in its place.  If I ask her today about it she just asks “when would you have time to play, you have so much to do already?”  She’s right.  But a game of Madden never hurt anybody.

But time is very important to a woman.  What a man does with his time is of special interest to a woman I’ve learned.  I already spend 8-10 hours at work.  So when I come home she really likes to have my undivided attention for a while.  We all know what happens with video games.  You start playing at 6PM and the next thing you know it is 10PM!  That doesn’t work for me with my need to workout, eat, nap, read, study, and handle my manly business.

So no I have not played video games much in the last 10 years or so.  But really when I consider where I have put the majority of my time it has been nothing but success.  This is not an indictment on playing video games.  I might actually buy a game system one day.  Sometimes I need a good time waster.  But I’m just saying it really isn’t a priority and it has not been for a while.  I’m not a gamer.  But maybe you are.  That’s cool.

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