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The Distraction


If you are a gentleman intent on maintaining a fresh demeanor, regular exercise is a must. To that end, many of us either engage in some sort of recreational sports league, running, or a gym membership. To be consistent is a key component of your fitness, but distractions can snap you right out of your zone. Lately I’ve noticed that one of the greatest inventions of all time, the iphone, was once a great tool to use in working out, but has become a major roadblock for many. To be connected is something that Americans truly covet; and our cellular services allow us to do that. Take your phone with you wherever go, multi task. Phones even stream our music now from places like google play, itunes, and pandora; seemingly combining our walkman with our communication device and forming a multi media “one stop shop”.

The problem with all of this when it comes to exercise is singular, but significant. At a time when we need extreme focus to maximize our results through repetition and endurance, many people are taking breaks to check their facebook status. Or tweet. Or post their exploits to instagram… and the undue breaks serve many purposes in your workouts, but none of them are good. Extended time wasted in your schedule. Longer times spent sitting on machines that others are waiting to use. Not to mention, and most importantly, the dip in heart rate that you experience when you STOP MOVING.

Think about it. You buy out time to exercise because of the health benefits you get. You feel good. You look better. You feel as if you’ve accomplished something. Why let yourself be distracted by things that’ll surely be there when your session is over? Our phones have managed to make our lives so much simpler, while at the same time making them so much more complicated. The gym is a time to prioritize you helath and honestly, interacting with friends that aren’t there and/or helping you reach your goals should be pretty low on that list. You want to keep your demeanor fresh right? Of course you do, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this. So smarten up and bring your ipod to the gym. But leave your iphone at home.

Sincerely Fresh,

Mr. H

Follow on twitter @thecropscream @afreshdemeanor

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