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Fresh Style: Really Red Slacks

Winter doesn’t seem to want to let up.  I can’t stand winter.  I don’t like the cold.  I don’t like the snow and I don’t like the ice.  Yet here I am dwelling in the Midwest   But in any case I long for the Spring.  I need sunshine, warmth, and color.  However, it is still winter.  So if everything in nature is still dead, lifeless, and colorless my style doesn’t have to be.  If mine doesn’t neither does yours.  You can still pull color into your winter ensemble.  It doesn’t have to be all blacks, greys, and browns.  Check what I was able to pull together as I marched around Chicago and visited sites like Cloud Gate in Millennium Park also known as the “Bean”.

Fresh Demeanor is all about being bold when it comes to fashion.  Most people would see these slacks on the rack and pass.  But I can’t tell you how many compliments I received while I walked around the fashion conscious city of Chicago.  My recommendations are to just go for it and whatever you wear do so with confidence.


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