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Even the greatest couldn't do it forever...

When It’s Time

If you are a frequent reader of this blog, then you know that last week I wrote a post about my exploits 10 years ago at a basketball tournament in Indianapolis

Even the greatest couldn’t do it forever…

… needless to say, not my greatest moment. This time, the subject is related, but all together different. You see, I played in a tournament in Columbus, Ohio this past weekend and had an absolute blast. While we didn’t win like we had planned to, I feel that we made a respectable showing, especially considering the adverse circumstances we played under and the age of our team vs. the average age of our competition. This post is being written because I have finally come to the realization that it’s TIME. Time for what? Time for me to hang up the Jordan’s. Does this mean that I’ll never play ball again or that I’m done buying ungodly high priced sneakers? Of course not! Chances are I will still be found around town wherever there is a decent pick up game one to two times a week. Basketball was and has always been my first love and there isn’t anything that is going to change that. I plan on playing at some level until I am physically unable to compete anymore. What it does mean however, is that I realize that all day tournaments for bragging rights and trophies are going to be a thing of the past for me. It is truly a sad day to wake up and realize “I just can’t do it anymore” but that happened to me Sunday after our loss Saturday. My  body ached from my neck to the soles of my feet (I play in Kobe’s) and I just KNEW. Previously I went into tournaments with the mentality that “No one can guard me, I’m the best guy here…” but this time I walked into the gym thinking ” I hope nobody crosses me over and I fall in front of all these people…”

For a bit of perspective here, I have played ball at a high level for many years and I have never backed down from anyone. Sure, there were many guys that were more talented than me. But nobody, and I mean NOBODY, ever played harder or thought deeper about that game. I only ever wanted to win. Period. I still feel the same way. Only, my lateral quickness isn’t what it was. My first step is a few milliseconds slower. And I can’t jump. At all. And before anyone says all of this, believe me, I know it.I actually didn’t get put on anybody’s poster this weekend and played pretty well overall but I know my body. and I know my time is up. Basketball is a young man’s game. Sure, Jordan came back and scored 40 at 40 for the Wizards, but I ain’t Jordan. I got a job and a family. I can no longer put the time in that I know is required to be very good at it. And surprisingly, I’m cool with that. I suppose it’s part of getting older. Will I miss the vibe, the energy in the gym? Sure. Will I miss my boys, the things they do great and the things that drive me crazy? Even more so. But I know it’s my time. So like my main man Jay-Z I’m going to “gracefully bow out” while I still have my dignity. I’m gonna miss you guys….

Peace Out

Mr. H

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