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Expand Your Horizons

Did you know that some people have never left Louisville? Never set foot outside of St. Louis? Think that the universe revolves around Pensacola? Well, I’ve got news for you… those are pretty narrow-minded viewpoints and if you happen to be a person that feels those ways, you’re really selling yourself short.

I grew up in Cleveland, the heart of the Midwest, a hard working city with hard-working people. I had married parents and I wasn’t deprived in any way. At the same time; its worth noting that we NEVER took a family vacation. Ever. If my dad took a week off work, you could bet we were gonna do something like paint the house or replace the shower or furnace. So what’s my point? Well, as a result of my environment and lack of diversity (in travel), I figured that the whole world was just like Cleveland and anyone not thinking, acting, and talking like us was weird. In a global economy, that is a very dangerous viewpoint to have. I’m Europe, men kiss on the cheek; it’s a common courtesy. Where I’m from that display of affection is usually frowned upon or at least laughed at behind closed doors. But the world is bigger than my city, and its bigger than yours too. I encourage you to save a little money, book a flight, and take a trip! Where? Doesn’t really matter; just somewhere different from what you’re used to. Atlanta. San Diego. Mexico. Experience the way other people live. Eat what they eat and open your mind to understand why they think like they think. It’s surprising to find out that there are many versions of “normal” and they’re more based on local tradition than any universal standard of behavior.

You can also apply this principle to the cultural things you do as well. If Kendrick Lamar comes to my city, you can count on me being there. But I’ve also seen Gladys Knight perform with the symphony in the circle. And checked out Cirque Due Soliel. And a host of other things that some of my peers snicker at. Don’t be ashamed to try Pilates, or get a facial. These things don’t make you soft; they show mature people that you’re cultured and open-minded. As a person who is keenly interested in maintaining a fresh demeanor, I implore you to do the same. It doesn’t matter what your horizons are now. It only matters that you’re open to expanding them.

Sincerely Fresh,
Mr. H

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