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Bar Review: The Ball And Biscuit


Checking out The Ball and Biscuit

Last Saturday night the Fresh Demeanor crew took a guys night out to my new favorite bar; Ball And Biscuit (@bnbindy). I got a tip from a very good source that it would be an excellent time. You can check them out here. Located on Massachusetts Ave in Downtown Indianapolis, it was a bar unlike any that I’ve ever visited. Old school feel. Old school bartenders. Just an old school bar. The main testament to this point would be the fact that there aren’t any TV sets blaring sports or anything else to distract you from the main purpose that you go to a bar in the first place: Stiff drinks and conversation. And while I’m talking about the drinks, let me say that while they were in no way cheap, the drinks are superb. My personal recommendation is the Harrison Sicilian (you’ll thank me for this, I promise.)

Not to be overlooked as well were the bartenders. Frankie (follow @wantsomemora) made our drinks and we couldn’t have been more pleased. Easy to hold a conversation with, worldly knowledgeable and overall cool in a “Bruno Mars” kind of way, the varied topics of discussion at the bar made the absence of television negligible. We preferred the dim lighting and nostalgic feel to watching highlights that we’ve already seen.

Wood, Mr. H, and Brother Williams enjoying themselves

Overall, should you happen to be looking for a watering hole in downtown Indy, look elsewhere. This place isn’t that. It’s so, so much better. This is a bar where a man takes a lady. Or meets a lady. Or wears a suit for no reason. Or any combination of the above mentioned. Ball and The Biscuit is a grown ups bar. And you’re reading this because you’re grown, right? Act accordingly and pay them a visit.

Mr. H
Follow on twitter @thecropscream @afreshdemeanor

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