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The Batting Average

Before you ask, no I’m not a beat writer for the Indians. Actually, I don’t care much for watching baseball at all and I hate all those statistics that they use to make marginal players appear more effective than they really are. So, what would make me write a blog about Baseball? Well, this post isn’t about the sport of baseball at all. It is, however, based on a principle used to determine excellence that we can use in a more practical way. Let me explain…

One of the main statistics used to determine how good of an offensive player one is is the batting average. Most hitters who are considered “very good” have an average that hovers around the .300 mark. For those of you unfamiliar with decimals and fractions, that’s 3/10, 30%. By most standards, that is a very sub standard mark. Out of every 10 opportunities, only 3 are successful. And this is the standard for GOOD hitters. The average player is well below these numbers; actually many players never hit close to .300 for a whole season in their careers. But how does this relate to YOU? Inquiring minds want to know…

Well, how do you suppose that the girl of your dreams, the one that you don’t think you could ever have a chance with, ends up with a guy that you figured had even less chance than you to get her? It’s very simple; he wasn’t afraid to swing. He understands the principle of the batting average. By definition this principle reads “Even the best hitters miss more than they hit.” Do you consider yourself “one of the best?” Probably not. And that’s OK. But realize, please, that for every 3 “yes” answers you get, 7 “no”s await you. It’s just the numbers. Everybody gets turned down, you’re no different. Don’t be discouraged. You cannot score if you do not shoot. You cannot hit if you do not swing, and if you are scared to strike out, then you shouldn’t play. Do you really think Jay-Z got Beyonce after the first time he checked for her? Don’t fool yourself. If you want the prize you need to put in the work and that includes not being deterred by failure, because it’s part of the game.

So, the next time you see a prize worthy of swinging at, understand that the numbers say you’re not going to get her. Then, swing anyway.

Yours, Truly

Mr. H

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