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Cut it Close

Men have been shaving for centuries.  But somewhere along the way the proper way to shave has been lost.  Like most things in life, time has not been taken to do things properly.  Fast-paced lifestyles have men enslaved to electric razors or speedily scraping over their face with a shaver.  The effects are dry, irritated skin and painful razor bumps and ingrown hairs.  Fellas lets be kinder to our face.  Also the ladies prefer a nice smooth mug to cuddle up too.

Just a little bit of time with the right tools and products will provide you with great results.

1. Wet Your Face.  Do not and I repeat do not shave your face dry.  These are wise words especially for black men.  Soften your skin by applying a warm damp washcloth to your skin.  Here at Fresh Demeanor we take it further by shaving while in the shower (get yourself a nice fogless mirror for the shower).

2. Exfoliate (some times).  Yes not every time but some times. St. Ives Apricot Scrub will get the job done at an affordable price.  Exfoliation provides benefits in ridding your pores of dirt and grime.  It also smooths away dead skin and preps your skin for a nice smooth razor cut.  The key is not to do this every day. Once or twice a week is all that is needed.

3. Apply Cream/Oil Generously.  Don’t skimp on cream.  This is your face you’re about to drag a razor across.  Choose something that is gentle and does not contain alcohol if possible.  We’re not trying to dry out our skin.  There are tons of great products out there.  Fresh Demeanor we’re fans of the Art of Shaving, Kiehls, and hey Edge has not ever hurt anybody.

3. Select Your Razor.  Use a razor not electric razor homie.  Whether it is a cartridge razor, safety razor, or straight edge is up to you but make sure you are comfortable using it.  Disposable razors work but really just go ahead spend a little money on something that will last and is dependable.

4. Shave.  Do your best to shave in one direction in a smooth stroke.  Your not brushing your hair or teeth.  Do not take short, brisk strokes across your face.  Take your time and apply more shaving cream/gel/oil if necessary.

5. Rinse in Cold.  When you have completed shaving rinse your face in cold water.  Your pores were opened with that warm water in the very beginning.  Cold water will close those pores up but seal in that moisture.  After Shave/Cream can be applied as well and unless it compliments your cologne well choose a fragrance-free product.

Keep it Fresh,


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