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Women – Read This Before Shopping for Your Man!

Let me set the scene.  It’s me and my lady.  She’s decided to accompany me on one of my favorite pastimes, tie shopping.  Now while I enjoy her company, this really isn’t a team sport you know? I browse, she follows.  I stop and glance, she takes notice, pretending not to be interested but all the while taking mental notes that will be sure to backfire later.  Soon as I get caught with my guard down she hits me with “You like this one??”  What a nice gesture right? But what if you don’t like it? I hope you let your woman down easy fellas, she’s fragile. Before you know it , you have to explain why her tie isn’t good enough without making her cry.  The ride home is dead silent and you pray there isn’t a handmade partition down the middle of your sheets…

Now if you have a woman who’s spot on with buying you things when you’re not there and you end up loving it, then I salute, kudos to you.  If you don’t then so what.  If we’re comparing shortcomings between us and them then we’d lose 9 out of 10 times, so her not being great at tie shopping is pretty low on the list.  I’m using “ties” to represent any gift unsuccessfully given.   So ladies instead of getting frustrated and giving up, just give it a bit more thought and you reduce your chances of having your gift shot down.

I’ll let you in on something about us, we’re simple.  Yet that seems to complicate things for some well-meaning gift-seeking women.  Try a different approach if you’ve caught yourself unsuccessfully trying to think what he’s thinking.  Like I said before it can be done, but you have to know your strengths.  Don’t try to mimic his interests, just use it as a guide.  For example if he likes ties but never like ties you pick out, why not get him a nice tie clip or new tie rack.  It’s not a tie but its tie friendly.  If you know he likes dark liquor, don’t go to the liquor store and get anything but Vodka.  Why not get a nice engraved drinking glass or something dark liquor conducive.  Your man like watches? Get that nice jewelry case to match you know?  You never go wrong by aiming parallel to his interests , but if you have tried in the past to zero in on a specific item or activity and you went down in flames, don’t throw in the towel.  There is still success to be had.

No matter if he says so or not, your husband, boyfriend, brother, father or son always appreciates the effort.  At least I do.  But you gotta know your gift receiver.  If he’s hard to please anyway then you’re a glutton for punishment.  However, if you’re sitting at 3 balls and 2 strikes, knock the next gift giving occasion out the park after some thought sparked by your crew here at Fresh Demeanor.



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