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The Library: Your Knowledge Base


Reading: Its FUNdamental! Or at least the slogan from childhood said so. I know quite a few gentlemen that never read anything not required for employment purposes. That is a truly sad state of affairs. Books are a way that we get instruction, enjoyment, wisdom and a host of other essentials needed to expand our intellectual horizons and keep the human race moving forward and prospering. To that end, it behooves men; not just older men, but ALL Men to have a personal library. Yes, a place inside their home where they keep and reference one of the most valuable sources of information that we have: books.

The contents of ones personal library is up to him, but there are a few standard categories that make one’s collection well rounded.


Yes, even in the age of cell phones and Google it is a good idea to have a few volumes to reference. Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, Dictionary. Basic reference books that can usually answer the majority of your basic research based queries. Before Bing, there was the World Book Encyclopedia. Don’t forget that.


That’s right, the ones from college. Now I know times were rough back then and you may have had to sell a few to scrape up enough for your top ramen casserole, but if you were fortunate enough to hold on to a few, they make great reference materials. Fundamentals of Investment Management and Introduction to Internet Marketing are coming in handy for me now more than ever when I look back to them for pointers in my adult endeavours.


To Kill A Mockingbird. Check. Their Eyes Were Watching God. Check. The Davinci Code? Got that too. It doesn’t matter what your particular taste in reading is, but you have to have something. I have books that I enjoyed from high school along with manuals that people have recommended to me over the years. Never get rid of a book.


The Book of Mormon. The Koran. The Bible. This is not a guide on which religion to choose, nor should it be. However, it is definitely important to have a spiritual connection and whatever way you choose to express that, you should become familiar with the writings that attempt to make that possible. Many holy books contain invaluable information on deeper subjects like moral compass, ethics and so on. Definitely worth your time.


By curating and maintaining a personal library, you will be in a position to increase your knowledge base, while exploring the very things that make humans what they really are. Its is our sincere desire that all men see appreciate the value of books and use them to their advantages. May you be of that number and if not, we hope you join us soon. If you plan on having a fresh demeanor, its the only way. Read up on it.


Mr. H
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