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No Olympic Soup For You!

Twitter, Twitter, Twitter..smh.  Athletes and entertainers are under a bigger microscope than ever before.  This media outlet, which lets your thoughts be heard around the world without you uttering a single word, has been used irresponsibly yet again; and quite insensitively might I add.

Paraskevi Papachristou, a Greek triple jumper and now would be olympian took to her Twitter account to speak on the amount of Afircans that now live in Greece, her home country.

With the swipe of a few keys she tweeted: “With so many Africans in Greece… at least West Nile mosquitoes will eat homemade food!!!” 

That, my friends are the kinds of words that get you thrown off the Olympic team, throwing away years of training for one joke.

Now I’m not posting this because I’m black.  I’m not the type to play the race card for foul play.  I’m merely expressing my frustration with people in the public eye who feel they can just do and say what they want when they want to say it.  Like it or not you become an example when you reach out for your name in lights.  You name it, whether it be what to wear, what not to wear, what to say, how to eat, or how to dance.  It just comes with the territory.  It wouldn’t be so bad if she didn’t express in a follow up comment that she felt the disciplinary action was “excessive” and with “speed”.  C’mon son. You didn’t know this was coming? I don’t know maybe they do things different in Greece but in the U.S they put your business out there, quick!

So if you’ve worked hard for something you’ve always dreamed of and it’s so close you can taste it, I beg of you: “Please close that app and back away from your internet device!” I doubt it will cost you a gold medal but in her case it did.  Think before you tweet, or your well meaning demeanor may be robbed of it’s freshness.


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