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The Cosby Show

THE MOST ICONIC black television show ever. Period. Just the feelings that itĀ evokes. The music. The acting. The story line… The underlying imagery and portrayal of blacks! I can watch it every day, all day. Simply put, it had a profound effect on our culture and more personally, my young black life.

I just finished watching an episode with my wife. The one where Denise finally meets Martin’s parents but she’s afraid that they don’t like her and Claire Is all set to CHECK Martin’s mom. I found some very interesting non verbal communications in this episode that I feel are worth sharing.

1. Cosby always seemed to tackle real issues while still affording everyone involved dignity. Mother-n-law/daughter-n-law relations; dyslexia; single parents and second marriages. All relevant, all handled appropriately.

2. Black people are NEVER portrayed as stupid and/or lazy. The doctor and the lawyer, happily married with married parents and married children. It made me want those very same things (plus my family was very simular in the amount and seriousness of marriage). I grew up thinking this was normal and proper. Because it is.

3. They produced a spin off show “A Different World”, which showed black kids excelling at a Historically Black College. I loved that so much, it was one of my prime motivations for attending college, along with my dad telling me I had no other choice…

That reruns still get the same response as the original run did 25 years ago speak volumes to the genius of the show. Of course you already know all of this, I was just sharing my thoughts.

What do you think? Any show you like that rivals the Cosby Show in long term impact? Let me know…

Yours Truly,
Mr. H
Follow on Twitter @Thecropscream

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