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Live YOUR life. Not MINE.


Can I live?
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, Jay was ahead of his time with that simple question. (notice what i did there?)
I find myself more perplexed with that question almost everyday. Can. I. Live? Meaning let me do me because not once did I ask for your opinion about my life and the way I live it.
For example: For almost 4 months now I have decided to drastically change my health for the better. For life. Not for a few pounds. Not to look good at the beach. For life. Why is it when I say “No, Im staying away from this or that” that people transform into health and life experts and actually argue with me as to what I should and shouldn’t do? Argue? C’mon…We’re not talking about a suggestion..but arguing with me?  (in my best A.I. Voice) What brand of clothing I should or shouldn’t wear? What race of female I should or shouldn’t date? What music i should or should not be listening to? …Can I live?
Sean Carter and I aren’t the only ones to have felt this way. Take for instance the Ring-less King James. Press pause on your witty comment in response to “ring-less”. Yes I’m aware of his current status especially since he man handled my team in the recent NBA Finals. Congrats are due to Lebron. Brief moment of silence for the Thunder…
Ok. The Ring-less Lebron was known for having an asthma attack, Latrell Sprewell style, during the 4th quarter.
Not to mention the King’s decision to take his talents to South Beach. His mentions on social media has been on Fuego ever since.
His response to his haters?
“At the end of the day, all of the people that were rooting for me to fail, tomorrow they’ll have to wake up and have the same life that [they had] before they woke up today. They got the same personal problems they had today and I’m going to continue to live the way I want to live and continue to do the things I want to do.” – Lebron James
In a nutshell…CAN I LIVE??!
Now I am not a Lebron James fan nor am I a multi-millionaire but I certainly respect his game and can relate to that feeling when he said, “I’m going to continue to live the way I want to live and continue to do the things I want to do”. I’m sure you can relate as well.
At the end of the day I’m just
trying to keep a smile on the face of a curvy tender, inhale/exhale on a consistent basis and keep my #demeanor #fresh. That’s it. Is that too much to ask? Can I live?
James II

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