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The Day Dwele Broke My Heart

I have what I like to think of as an intimate relationship with music. Like, I really FEEL the music when I’m gettin in my zone with it. I sing all the words (off key) but I digress… I really appreciate when an artist pours his heart and soul into a piece of art that he then graciously shares with the public for our consumption. They provide the soundtrack for our lives: the dates, the dinners, the trials, the triumphs. To me, the pinnacle of this “relationship”with albums, songs, and the artists that create them is the live show. I’ve seen most of my favorite artists in person and have been left with goosebumps. The Foreign Exchange, Jay-Z, JILL SCOTT (best concert ever), Maxwell, Black Star…. The list is extensive. But one performers live show RUINED my relationship with his music. I no longed buy it and cannot even listen to it the same. Dwele G. You’re probably thinking “what was so bad about it? Was it vulgar?” – Nope, not at all. Well then, whats my beef with Dwele? His performance was totally uninspired, lazy and a rip off! I’m my personal opinion, he has made some of the best “chill with my girl” CDs in the last 10 years. I absolutely love Subject, especially Some Kinda, Sketches of A Man and WWW. I could play them back to back and repeat all day long. The live show we attended conveyed none of that emotion. Our wives got all dolled up to see our favorite singer in an intimate setting. What we got was a crowded club, standing room only, where he lip sang 3 or 4 songs then said HE DIDNT KNOW it was supposed to be a concert and didn’t have all his music!!! Are u serious? Well since You don’t value your relationship with the fans that live and breathe your music, I did the only thing I could think of: I broke up with you Mr Dwele G. When u can start acting like you care about me as a fan then we can resume our relationship on cd because I’ll definitely never pay to see you again. Matter of fact, I’m downloading whatever u make from now on. We deserve better bro, and now you know.

Mr. H
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