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Do Your Scents Make Sense?

After the plans are made, after that visit to the barber shop,after the clothes get put on, shoes wiped down, there’s one last decision to make before stepping out to claim the night. What cologne to pick? Going on date night where the contact is a little more intimate? Dinner party with friends? There are many more situations that we can name that have no doubt had you standing in your room confidently stroking your chin thinking to yourself, “How am I gon’ kill’m tonight?” Don’t worry I’ve done it too, you’re not weird, you’re prepared. Now, I’m not gonna act like I graduated with a Masters from Cologne University. The only real way you learn is through trial and error. Consider yourself fortunate if you’ve never made the mistake of being a rookie and completely bathing in your first bottle or something your dad had in the cabinet. Well my friends, my plan is just to share with you some of my personal sucesses and also common mistakes.

First, I’d like to address the fellas that think it’s alright to spray some on your neck, wrists, chest, shirt, back of your shirt, bottom of your shirt, jeans, hair, calves….you get the point. That’s not how it was meant to be applied; that’s overkill. You want the lady who’s captured your attention to notice your scent AFTER you’ve walked by, not before you even get up to her. If they can smell you coming, there won’t be anything to walk to. Keep it up and every party you go to will have coffee beans tactfully situated for people to get you out their system.

Second, I’ve learned that cologne is activated by your skin and not your clothes. It lasts longer and will smell like it’s supposed to when applied directly to your body. I’m no scientist, but it’s got something to do with warmth and moisture of your own skin that brings out the scent more. Whatever it is, it works. Google it.  In addition, it may not always come out of your clothes when washed so there’s something else to consider

Third is what you wear depending on the season. Some people will tell you that lighter “citrus-y” scents are meant for brighter milder times of year and that spicier colognes are for fall/winter. I always say do what makes you happy, but since you rarely wear cologne for YOU, listen to the people’s voice on this one because they know what they’re talking about.

This isn’t meant to be your personal guide, just my thoughts on the subject.  Below are some of my all timers and I’m sure you’ll feel there are some that should have made the cut, but this is just a few.  Make sure you leave a comment on your personal favorites as well. #FD

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