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Fresh Demeanor Proverbs: And It Hurts…

“A thug changes, and love changes, and best friends become strangers. Word up”- Nas, The Message

One of the harsh realities of life, isn’t it? Nothing and nobody stays the same. A hard pill to swallow for sure, but a truth that must be accepted in order to make sense of relationships as time passes. My father told me this many years ago and never has it rang more true than right now. Some relationships are changing; I’m not sure I like what they’re becoming, and others are blossoming into deeply emotional and organic friendships. What exactly am I referring to? Well, if you know, then you know. If you don’t, then take it as a faceless tidbit of advice that may just save you some frustration later on. If Nas said it, then it must be true right?

Be cautious,
Mr. H

Follow on twitter @thecropscream

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