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You ARE NOT a Sneakerhead!

No matter how great your rookie season is, everyone knows you’re still a rookie. Lead the league in touchdowns? Still a rookie. 12 assists per game? Still a rookie. 36 home runs? You guessed it; still a rookie. The reason is simple. Numbers, impressive as they may be only add up to reputation over TIME. A lot of flash in the pan talents can come into a situation on fire and post good stats, but what happens when the defense has had time to watch tape on you? To scout you? To PREPARE for you? Suddenly those easy shots aren’t open and the opponents got you locked out.

Why do I mention all of this? Just to point out that lately twitter and blogs like tumblr and Instagram have been flooded with the tags #SneakerHead #KicksJunkie and many like these. It’s out of control. Just because you know the word doesn’t imply that you understand the definition of it at all, let alone fit INTO it!

I’ve been collecting sneakers since I was 16 and worked at Footaction. You know, back when Jordan wore the Jordan’s that you see to make their way back to the market place now. And I still HAVE those shoes in mint condition in my closet. I started young, but I wasn’t a Sneakerhead yet. Didn’t have enough years collecting, enough “can’t find anywhere” gems to meet the criteria. You see, I have THE FIRST LEBRONS. There’s no retro on that shoe yet. If u don’t have them, u can’t GET them. I also have original Penny III’s and Air Raids. It’s not the particular shoes, it’s the aggregation of a collection that has real meaning to the owner that defines the sneaker enthusiast. You waited in line all night for Jordan 11 “Concords?” I got them joints too, but the line was 14 years ago.

You gotta put in work to be a real sneakerhead son. Its not a reputation that you can attain overnight and it can only be bestowed upon you by someone who has already earned the distinction. Having no bills and buying the next “it shoe” because you live with your parents, work at Subway and have no real responsibilities doesn’t qualify you. Its the love of the culture that moves a person into the club. So, ask yourself: Am I REALLY a sneakerhead? If you have to actually ask (silly boy) , you ARE NOT A SNEAKERHEAD


Mr. H
Follow on twitter @thecropscream

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