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The great barber shop debate

Since I was a boy, I always loved going to the barbershop. There were all of these older men that seemed to know everything about everything! I mean, if you wanted to know who was the best ball player, prettiest singer, leading vote getter for Alderman and everything in between, the barbershop was the local hub to gather, process, debate, and spread any and all information that was important to a black man in an urban area. I practically grew up there. Same bald fade every 2 weeks. My dad took me and he made sure that I obeyed the protocol for behavior in the establishment.

Fast forward 20 years, and I like going to get a haircut as much, if not more than I always did. The personal service just draws me in; it’s kind of an intimate experience. I won’t just let anybody with a set of clippers cut my hair and I prefer a straight razor line up. “Low even cut, baby taper on the temples and fade out the back” got it? Good. Then let’s begin.

Recently I discovered that there are 2 very different types of barbershops, and my heart is now torn between the two. On one hand, there’s the “Hood Shop” where the barbers are mostly black, the tv stays on ESPN or music videos, the guys bet on EVERYTHING and there’s usually somebody coming in selling bootleg cds or movies. This is what I’ve come to expect and love. The loud talking and passionate arguing about sports! The feeling you get is undescribable. It has almost as much to do with the atmosphere as it does the haircut, which by the way, usually costs $15.

The “new shop” though is more full service salon in set up. The barbers are all in uniform. A lot of white people here. There are tvs at every booth as opposed to a shop set. They give you a quick back massage after your cut, and (free) beer while you wait or get your shoes shined. FREE BEER with my haircut? Are you serious? I couldnt believe it! Oh, and the haircut here is $21. There’s no “loud talking” here; it’s a totally different experience but still enjoyable.

With haircut quality being equal, which shop should I choose? Everyone knows that you can’t barber hop; one guy cuts your hair every time. That’s the way it is. He knows your head and keeps your look consistent.I got a serious, life altering (maybe not LIFE ALTERING, but still) decision to make and the fate of my fade hangs in the balance. Weigh in below and I’ll make my final choice in a few weeks based on your comments.

Mr. H

follow on twitter @thecropscream

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