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Exude Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is defined as: freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities.

So my question to you is: Do you have self-confidence? Not the kind of self-confidence where you recite to yourself: “I’m good enough, smart enough, and gosh darnit people like me.” Stuart Smalley made that line famous and he is a fictional character, but if it’s currently working for you, first I would like to apologize and secondly I would like to say, by all means, please continue. But the self-confidence I am referring to is the confidence that exudes from your being as a strong fragrant aroma that everyone is drawn to.  So I ask again: Do you have self-confidence?

Some people fear self-confidence because they believe it is viewed as arrogance.  Now that can be true but with a little tact and humility the difference will be evident.  On the other hand some people mistake their arrogance for self-confidence.  Don’t fall into that trap!  Being confident in yourself and your abilities does not involve boasting, being self-centered, or random acts of carelessness.  Self-confidence does involve knowing that if you put your mind to it you will succeed because you are aware of your self worth.

Who qualifies for the right to “exude self-confidence”?  The answer is definitely ANYONE!  Your age, ethnic background, size, gender, appearance, or economic status does not matter.  Self-confidence starts with the person within, hence the prefix “self.”

Now don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that you will conquer the world with a little bit of confidence.  What I am saying is that there are many advantages in life that can be yours when you choose to display your confidence. didn’t come about because 5 individuals didn’t have the confidence to put a blog together.  Fresh Demeanor came about because 5 gentlemen were confident enough in their abilities to start a blog about our culture and our way.  We are still learning but we are not giving up, why? Do I even need to say it again?

The crew at FD already know that you are “good enough, smart enough, and gosh darnit people like you” but we implore you to show it.  As we all know actions definitely speak louder than words.

So my dear reader I will ask you one last time: Do YOU have self-confidence?


Stay Fresh My Friends,

Matt B

Follow me on Twitter @dis_gentleman

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